References II
Choose one of the following categories...
..or get an overview about all of our customers:
| AG Frauen in den Medien NOEL NOEL (New Opportunities for
Equality in Lower Austria) deals with the search for new ways and
possibilities for virtual co-operation. Focus is on gender correctness
in language, women's perspective and their honorary activities as well
as their activities in the service sector.
visit the platform | |
| teco7 training
A platform and community about new training methods developed for young athletes (supported by UEFA).
visit the platform | |
| Factiva, a Reuters/Dow Jones Venture
Content licensing and support in 24 countries: German speaking area,
Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and countries of the former Soviet
Union. | |
| dialogus
A dissertation project at the university of Cologne (faculty of
pedagogics) about the didactical potentials of synchronous computer
supported communication and its empirical verification.
visit the website | |
| Fernwärmeleitung Nord/West - Construction site information
"Fernwärme Wien" uses factline-weblog to give information on the
progress at the construction site of the new heat pipe, which will
provide the buildings of the 20th and 21st district with heating.
visit the weblog | |
| SPIN-TN The thematic network "SPIN-TN" generates strategies
for the development of European inland waterway traffic. FCS serves the
network as a communication hub.
visit the platform | |
Project platform and website for the discussion forum KOMMUNIKATE.
visit the platform | |
| Apitherapy
This platform informs about apitherapy, recent developments in this area and projects of the
national park "Bienenwirte WABE".
visit the platform | |
| Die Marchfeldschrammeln
Website of the "Marchfeldschrammeln". This ensemble plays classical Viennese
music in the traditional Schrammel-instrumentation.
visit the platform | |
| ASC Wien
The Academic Skiclub of Vienna manages its internal and external communication with an factline-platform.
visit the platform | |

| Institut für Logotherapie
The institute uses an factline-platform for virtual support for the vocational training programme "Logotherapie".
visit the platform | |
| TOP - True Online Publishing
On this platform, Mag.(FH) Sebastian Udulutsch presents his diploma thesis
about the "TOP" (True Online Publishing) concept of factline.
visit the platform | |
 | Chat Themenplattform
A platform about the scientific debate on using chat in business surroundings.
Among other things, all conversations of the Chat Symposium 2003 are collected.
visit the platform | |
| Kviecien
OH Services
Organization of the "One Health Forum", a platform centered around the topic of health promotion.
visit the platform | |
 | Provincial Government of Lower Austria
factchat, created on behalf of the Woman's Department at the federal office of the provincial government of Lower Austria.
visit the website | |
| Widhalm Consulting Widhalm offers consulting and services
for data management, trademark right, information procurement as well
as project consulting for EU-projects.
visit the platform | |
| High Potential Network
High Potential Network serves as an active and coordinating interface for young and successful people
all around the world.
visit the platform | |
| EUROCARE 2000 Support for funding
European Project on Conservation - Restoration - Maintenance
visit the platform | |
| Healthy health care system
Website and project platform for the equal project "Healthy health care
system". The factline Community Server (FCS) serves as a website and
supports the communication between the project members. Moreover, it is
used for presenting project results to the public.
[more...] | |
| Salzburg Research
The scientific institution of the federal state Salzburg uses factline
Community Server (FCS) for eLearning projects, internal communication
and backoffice.
[more...] | |
| Agrarian Teacher and Consultant Training College
On the occasion of a vocational training course of the Agrarian Teacher
and Consultant Training College, the "blended learning" as well as the
"self-organised learning communities" approach should be used. factline
- with inclusion of teamconsult - was assigned the task of planning,
implementing and conducting train-the-trainer courses in autumn 2005.
[more...] | |
| Food & Fecundity
Pharmaceutical products in the environment: Development and employment
of novel methods for assessing their origin, fate and effects on human
[more...] | |
| Semantic MediaWiki
The Semantic MediaWiki sem'base is a knowledge basis for semantical
technology and services with focus on Austria and presently writing 300
articles, which actors activate within regards to a business
more | |
| LIVING SEMANTICS This Project came from within factline from sem'base (Semantic Knowledge Base), an accompanied measure to Förderprogramm FIT-IT the BMVIT, initiated and jointly converted with the APA - ZukunftWissen and the artist Max Frey. More | |
| Hernstein Institute
Platform to support vocational training courses for business and management. | |

New and Emerging Technologies - methods of identification and implementation for SMEs
NETWEIs for SMEs is supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry of
Economics and Labour. The main beneficiaries of the project are small
and medium-sized enterprises (SME). In the course of the project, a new
consulting model will be developed. The consulting model is aimed at
developing and testing new methods of identification and implementation
of future technologies and knowledge areas in SMEs. factline provides
an information and communication platform for the project and is
responsible for the dissemination of project results.
visit the platform | |
more references