Home > Struktur > English > 7.5 > Beginner > File Upload - Step 2

File Upload - Step 2
  1. Fill in the title of you file. (optional)
    If you do not key in any title, the title of the file (file name) will be taken automatically.

  2. Click  "Durchsuchen/Search" to choose the appropriate file on your computer (data storage medium like
    a hard disc, a USB-Stick etc.) and finally upload it onto the platform.

  3. Fill in any texts or notes, maybe to describe your text. (optional)

  4. When mouseovering "Permissions" a list with the permissions, how they are fixed preliminarily. Click
    "Change" if you would like to change the permissions.

  5. Click "Meta information >>" to see how they are fixed preliminarily. If required you are able to change your
    meta data here.

  6. Click
    1. Publish, if you want to finally upload your file, to publish the fact.
    2. Save, to buffer the fact.
    3. Exit, if you want to exit the fact (draft) without publishing..
      (save & exit possible - it is asked)


file2.png - 1147152.1


You can also download a printversion of creating a folder and a fact:  Factfile Icon - 1123608.1



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AutorIn: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: factline Webscervices GmbH (factline7)
infoID: 1147199.4 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 05 Mar. 2014 13:52
Struktur  >  English  >  7.5  >  Beginner 
Referers (1):
File-Upload Step one09 Jan. 2008factlink